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Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the signals are the missing plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says his search team has come very close to the missing plane at sea, just as frustration surrounds the mysterious missing Malaysian flight MH370.


A radio signal has been detected on the radar of a joint research team of Australia, China and the United States for the past week deep in the ocean off the coast of Australia in the South Indian Ocean. Researchers say the signal is from the missing Malaysian plane. As a result, the search has been intensified deeper into the ocean. But the signal is so deep in the ocean that searchers have to rush to determine its exact location.


The Prime Minister of Australia is currently on a visit to China. Yesterday he told the Chinese media, "We have received the signal of the missing plane. However, it is not possible to reach the exact place because it is very deep in the sea. At the same time, it is a matter of concern that the signal black box's battery charge is decreasing and hence the signal intensity is also decreasing. It is not possible to say how long it will last like this.

Already Australian ship 'Ocean Shield' America is facing tough challenges at sea with technology. If the signal of the black box of the missing plane is confirmed, it will take 4 days to send the robot to the deep sea! If the plane's black box runs out of charge during this time, things will take a different turn.

It should be noted that the whole world is praising Australia's initiative in the search for the missing plane. Australia has been making a huge effort in recent days to find the plane's black box. But in the end if the black box is not found then the whole operation will fail.

Source: Mirror UK

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