The Dhaka Times
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The video of the last moment of the Malaysian plane crash!

The Dhaka Times Desk On the night of July 17, a Malaysian Airlines plane 'crashed' in the region near the Russian border in Ukraine. The latest video of that plane has been released.


All 298 people on board were killed when a Malaysian airliner was shot down by a ground-launched missile over Ukraine. However, the videos recorded on the devices of these passengers have been recovered. The video is claimed to be the latest footage of the aircraft. The video shows some scenes of confirming the location of the passengers before the flight, which has created an extreme emotion among the relatives.


Meanwhile, world leaders have demanded an international investigation into the Malaysian plane crash. They have demanded an investigation into whether the plane was destroyed by a Russian-made missile. After the Cold War, Russia's political tension with the Western countries has intensified again due to this incident.

formula- Daily Mail

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