The Dhaka Times
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Watch the video of what one dog did to save another dog! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Dogs are just as intelligent as humans. They take everything by seeing people. A dog showed just such an intelligence by saving another dog!

Saving one dog to another dog video-01

We call dogs as God-fearing animals. When a dog is properly trained, they act as intelligently as humans. For example, today's video is not a matter of devotees, but how they saved their own brother from danger has emerged!

But in our society dogs are treated very badly. But there is no doubt that they become duty bound if they get a little love or sympathy. As we have seen there have been cases where the Lord's life was saved even with life.

Today's video of this issue is viral on the internet. The video shows two dogs drifting in a dinghy and a labrador dog risking his life to save the two dogs.

The two dogs were stuck in a dinghy in a small river. There was no way they could rise above the water. The Labrador observes from across the river.

After that, he jumped into the river to save them from danger and finally bit the rope of the boat in his mouth and delivered them to Danga! You may be surprised to see the video!

Check out the incredible video

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