The Dhaka Times
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The mystery is not opened: but the missing plane is believed to be in the Taliban-controlled area!

The Dhaka Times Desk The missing Malaysian airliner has not yet been found. Although the mystery remains unsolved, the missing plane is believed to be in an area controlled by the Taliban.

Airplane & Taliban-1

10 days passed in confusion, anxiety and despair. But no cool-edge could do the missing Malaysian plane. So far there is no concrete evidence as to what actually happened to the fate of the plane. However, on the 10th day on Monday, a new information came to light and that is, the co-pilot was the last one to talk to the control room from the cockpit. The last thing he said at that time was, 'Okay, good night'. But before this could be said, a communication system of the aircraft was shut down.

Airplane & Taliban-2

Investigators put up another new theory on Monday. And that is, the plane may be located in an area controlled by the Taliban between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Those concerned with the investigation think so. However, they could not provide any irrefutable evidence for this. However, Britain's influential newspaper The Independent wrote that the missing plane may be located in the Taliban-controlled area, which includes parts of northwest Pakistan and southern Afghanistan. The governments of both countries have no effective control over that place. The Malaysian government has asked for diplomatic permission to search the area 8 days after the plane went missing.

Airplane & Taliban-3

It should be noted that this state-of-the-art aircraft of the 777 model made by the Malaysian Boeing Company left Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for Beijing, China at 12:40 on Saturday at 12:40 p.m. on Friday, March 7. The plane was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members. The plane was scheduled to arrive at Beijing Airport at 6:30 a.m. local time in China. But the plane disappeared on the way. About which the whole world is concerned.

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