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Wreckage found in Mozambique is being analyzed to see if it is part of the missing Malaysian plane

The Dhaka Times Desk Debris found in Mozambique is being analyzed to determine if it is part of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane. That is why it is sent to Australia.

Mozambique is part of wreckage

Two pieces of plane wreckage were recently found in Mozambique. It has been handed over to Australian experts to test whether it belongs to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. This was reported by quoting a government official. An extensive search for the Boeing 777 plane has so far failed to find any wreckage.
However, a plane's propeller was reported to have washed ashore on a remote island last year.

The plane is believed to have crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. The matter has been in the media since the discovery of two pieces of wreckage in Mozambique.

One of the two pieces found on the beach has 'No Step' written on one side. But the text is quite vague. Another metal piece is one meter long. A South African tourist picked them up last December.

Note that on March 8, 2014, flight MH370 mysteriously disappeared on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It had 239 passengers. Most of them were citizens of China and Malaysia.

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