The Dhaka Times Desk It is not easy to get the face value of life. But you can learn a lesson from time. Things weren't always the way you see them now. Many things in the universe are still undiscovered, but among them many things remain undiscovered in our world.
Many places in the world like Britain have secret tunnels where you can see the infinite void. Those places are completely empty. Get an eerie creepy feeling as you walk through an abandoned mine.
Also, walking through an abandoned mine is a different experience. Then it will seem that how many people have once walked through this place in order to survive, today the thought of survival of that place itself.
British photographer Mike Dear has shown wonder by discovering many undiscovered places of the world including Britain. Some places are very interesting. There are many places in the world that are completely empty.
Mike Dear says there are many places around us that surprise you when you suddenly appear. Out of your mouth will come unknowingly, Alas, where did I come from?
Many parts of the world have changed, we humans have also changed in order to survive along with the world. Or have left a lot of beautiful past.
There are many hidden wonders around us that are really hard to believe. These amazing underground places will be like a puzzle to you.
These enigmatic places will either enchant you or thrill you. But you can't turn back from its intriguing charm.
Mike says he's been to places where even an experienced map reader or adventurous explorer might get lost. There are many places that are like a dream come true for adventurers.
It is hard to believe that there is such a lonely, empty place in a world full of people. But Mike Dear introduces us to places that have been lost to time.
Mike Dear is an award-winning British photographer. Read more about Mike Dear
Reference: ViralNova