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Streptococcus bacteria eating whole people!

The Dhaka Times Desk Group A Streptococcus bacteria is eating a whole person! It may seem unbelievable, but this is now happening to the residents of Stockbridge, Hampshire, UK By Alex Lews (34) case!


By Alex Lews Terrible nested in the body Group A Streptococcus Bacteria. Which is slowly eating different parts of his body. Liu's body has already eaten two legs and one arm. In addition, this bacteria has eaten several parts of Liu's mouth. Doctors are unable to rid Lewis of this bacteria.

Alex Lius life was not like this before. He was normal before, suddenly one day he went to the toilet and saw blood in his urine and was shocked. When he went to the doctor after the incident, the doctor said that Alex Lews had the dreaded man-eating group A streptococcus bacteria. Group A Streptococcus is a bacterial organism that slowly eats the flesh of humans or animals.


Group A Streptococcus has already consumed several parts of Alex Lews' body. Doctors have told his family that his chances of survival are slim to none. Doctors say Alex Lews has a 3 percent chance of survival.

Alex Liuser said about his condition, "I am surprised to see myself, my condition, how slowly they are eating me up. There is nothing to do, I think I will go for a walk with my child again. I will be fine.”

Alex Lius family broke down in tears after hearing this plea, as they knew Alex would never recover. around us Group A Streptococcus There are countless bacteria floating around that we can't see. We have to be careful about our food intake and water intake.

Source: Huffingtonpost

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