The Dhaka Times
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Sensation: A newborn was born with two heads!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is a great burden to understand the pleasures of the Creator. He knows when and how He will give birth. A housewife in North India gave birth to a baby girl with two heads!


Urmila Sharma, a housewife from North India, gave birth to a baby girl with two heads last Wednesday morning. CEO of Cygnus JK Hindu Hospital. Ashish Seghal in an e-mail sent to ABC News hunted down the truth of this incident. The child is currently healthy.

The hospital authorities told the media that due to lack of money, Urmila and her husband could not undergo regular ultrasound. As a result, it was not possible for them to know anything in advance. Just two weeks before delivery, they found out their unborn child was suffering from serious problems. Being born physically conjoined is a rare occurrence. Such events are rarely seen in the world. This is medically called 'dicephalic parapagus'.

Doctors said that the child's chances of survival are low. Doctors believe that only a thorough and challenging surgery can save the life of the twins. However, it is believed that the poor couple cannot afford the expensive surgery. Moreover, the doctors said that the physical condition should be stabilized before the surgery process.

Meanwhile, many people are crowding in front of the hospital when the word of such two-headed twins spread. This incident has created a lot of excitement in the area.

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