The Dhaka Times
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The mystery of the Malaysian plane's disappearance: this time there are rumors of the pilot's suicide

The Dhaka Times Desk The mystery of the missing Malaysian plane is not unraveling. Rather, more and more mysteries are emerging. It is now heard that the pilot or co-pilot of the plane may have committed suicide!

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As the days pass, the mystery becomes more apparent. The plane was initially thought to have crashed, but the information provided by international organizations suggests that the plane did not crash or explode. So where did the plane go? Again, earlier it was said that the plane was hijacked and taken somewhere between Pakistan and Afghanistan. But there is no irrefutable evidence.

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Even if such things are heard, there is no guarantee if the exact location of the plane is not found. Latest news came again today, the co-pilot of the plane sent the last message. As a result, the Malaysian investigation team thinks that the pilot or co-pilot may have committed suicide.

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Malaysia Airlines chief executive Ahmad Zuhari Yahya said at a press conference that it is still unclear when and how the plane's communication system went down. Experts believe that the Boeing 777-200ER plane was diverted thousands of miles away from its intended destination.

Along with such rumours, the word of suicide has been added. But all the mystery will be over after getting the whereabouts of the plane. Be that as it may. But if the plane was indeed hijacked by a group, there is a chance that the passengers would survive. And the relatives of that plane still have that hope.

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