The Dhaka Times
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The story of an auto driver becoming a pilot!

The Dhaka Times Desk People can do anything they want. For example, Srikanth, the auto driver, is now controlling the sky as a pilot. This is a wonderful story.

Auto driver of pilot story

Srikanth's news in the media is now from house to house. He once started working as a delivery boy for a small amount of money. Within a few days, he learned to drive an autorickshaw and became an auto driver. Even then, Srikanth's journey did not stop. He literally went from the street to the sky. Srikanth, a citizen of India, has indeed achieved an impossible feat.

Once an auto driver, Srikanth is now a full-fledged pilot. His dream tour has started. Auto traffic jams are no more, flying through the clouds in the sky is now a smooth ride in the cockpit of an airplane. Artha and Yash are now Srikanth's constant companions.

Srikanth Pantawan is currently the First Officer of Indigo Airlines of India. Sky tour directly from the sidewalk, how is such an impossible achievement? That is the story today.

Srikanth went to the airport one day to deliver goods. Srikantar got the opportunity to participate in a pilot scholarship program organized by DGCA there. Then after hard work and study he also passed the exam.

On the day the result came out, he could not believe himself when he saw the result. With his pilot's license in hand, he didn't look back. Srikanth is now a pilot. He no longer drives an auto on the highway, he flies in the sky, with his dream airplane!

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