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The world's first mobile phone was sold for more than three lakh rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk Mobile phone is the most used device nowadays. The world's first mobile phone came out thirty years ago today. Recently it was known that thirty years ago the world's first mobile phone was sold at a price of more than three lakh rupees.


30th anniversary of mobile phone was celebrated on 13th March. The first commercial version of the mobile phone hit the market in 1983, called the phone Motorola Dyna TAC 8000X (DynaTAC 8000x). The mobile phone was first sold on March 13, 1984. Perhaps someone in Chicago, Baltimore or Washington bought the phone.

The mobile weighs 28 ounces and measures 13 x 1.75 x 3.5 inches. For this length and weight the inventor named the mobile 'it'. At that time, the use of mobile phones was more common to show nobility than proper use.


Once the battery was fully charged, only half an hour of talk time was possible with such an expensive Motorola phone. Ameritech The phone company sold a total of twelve thousand mobile phones in 1984, of which 10 percent were Motorola phones Dyna TAC 8000X of the model.

The number of mobile sales as of now is negligible but the sales volume exceeded the expectations as at the time. The Motorola phone made history as the first mobile phone sold at a price of more than three lakh rupees.


World's first mobile phone at a glance

Name: Dyna TAC 8000X – what the inventor called 'it'.
Inventor: Martin Cooper
Manufacturer: Motorola
Time of Invention: April 3, 1973
Marketed: 1984
Price: About four thousand dollars
Weight: 1.15 kg
Charge: 10 hours
Talk time: 30 minutes.

Reference: Mashable

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