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Things to do to reduce stress

The Dhaka Times Desk Who doesn't have stress? Some may have less, some may have more. To keep this mental stress low, you have to make yourself in a cheerful mood and in that case there are several foods that keep the mood cheerful and away from stress.

Do to reduce stress-1

Each person has one problem in the society and due to these problems there are various pressures. And while dealing with these pressures, problems occur. But if you can keep your mood cheerful then you can stay away from such problems. That's why you need to eat some food. So let's see what foods you should eat.

green vegetables

Green vegetables are a good food for health in all aspects. Green vegetables like broccoli, cucumber, etc. are rich in folic acid and magnesium. These mireals create a feeling of well-being in our brain. 1 cup of vegetables every day, you will see that the problem of mental stress will be removed easily.

Do to reduce stress-2

sweet potato

Now is the season for sweet potatoes. If you go to the market, you will get this sweet potato. Our emotions also have a special relationship with sweet potatoes. By eating sweet potato, our stress starts to go away quickly. So, if you are under stress, boil sweet potato and sit down to eat it. But definitely eat in moderation.

Do to reduce stress-3


It's not just kids who like or eat chocolate. People of any age love to eat this chocolate. This chocolate plays a very effective role in controlling human emotions. Eating chocolate releases hormones called 'endorphins' in our brain, which help us to stay away from stress. But eating dark chocolate instead of regular milk chocolate is better for health.

Do to reduce stress-4

Sugar or sugar-like products

Sugar can do you good. If you want to relieve stress, you can eat a little sugar. It relaxes our brain and relieves stress. Sugar or sugar-like products can make you moody. Instead of sugar you can also eat 1 spoon of honey. But keep in mind that diabetic patients should not follow this procedure.


Vitamin B and vitamin E in peanuts. So it is very effective in improving the immune system of our body. When our body's immune system is improved, we suffer less from stress and depression. So make a habit of eating a handful of peanuts every day. This will make your mind happy.

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