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How to stop eyelid twitching? Find out its solution

If you have a little problem with your eyes, you feel bad for yourself. And if it's a blink, it's even more annoying

The Dhaka Times Desk Suddenly your eyelids start to flutter normally. It is very annoying. I feel very uncomfortable then. But do you know why eyelids jump? There are several reasons for eyelid drooping.

কিভাবে চোখের পাতা লাফানো বন্ধ করবেন? জেনে নিন তার সমাধান 1


Many times we are under severe stress due to various reasons. And this stress affects different parts of the body. Blinking is one of them.

Visual problems:

Eye twitching can be caused by various eye problems. Physical weakness is one of them. Many times if you look at the screen of TV, computer or mobile in one way, the light of the screen has a great impact on the eyes. This is why the eyes can jump.

Excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol:

Ophthalmologists believe that drinking too much caffeine and alcohol can have an effect on the eyes. So the eyelids can jump.

Lack of tears in the eyes:

Ophthalmologists think that the eyes cannot function properly due to lack of tears. So the eyes can jump.

Eye allergies:

There are different types of allergies in the human body. Allergic eye problems can also cause eye twitching.

Physical weakness:

Due to physical weakness, various eye problems can occur. Eyelid twitching is one of them. In addition, lack of adequate nutrition can cause eyelids to droop.

Lack of sleep:

We stay awake many nights due to busyness or various reasons. So not enough sleep. Actually the eyes need a certain amount of rest. So the eyes may jump due to lack of sleep.

Ways to overcome this problem:

Ophthalmologists believe,

1. Eating enough nutritious food and drinking water regularly can get rid of this problem.

2. Getting enough sleep can solve this problem.

3. Drink less amount of alcoholic drinks.

4. Try to look less at TV, computer, laptop or mobile screen. If necessary, close your eyes for 10-15 seconds every 10 minutes while using them. And open your eyes and look away for a while. But looking at green nature or trees works well.

5. Take stress easy on yourself.

6. To protect the eyes from dust, it is necessary to practice using glasses. However, if the eye twitching is not good, you can see an ophthalmologist.

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