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Malaysian plane missing: 14 days passed The mystery has not been solved yet

The Dhaka Times Desk 14 days have already passed but still the mystery of the missing remains unsolved. The latest information about the crash in Australia has so far turned up nothing.

Malaysia Airlines Missing-0009

Experts are giving different information one by one. Someone says it's stolen. Others say it actually crashed. But there is no edge to be found in anything. 26 countries of the world are working to rescue the plane.

Experts say, if the plane was hijacked, why didn't it give any warning before it went missing? Again, if it has been robbed, then it is not clear how it is possible to rob so delicately.

The latest situation is that Australia claims to have spotted two objects in the South Indian Ocean on satellite images. But for the last two days, no sign was found there.

The question of hijacking or parajacking of the plane has come this time. Because hijacking can sometimes be parajacking. In such a situation, criminals can intentionally commit crimes inside the aircraft and escape from the aircraft by parachute.

After the 9/11 attacks, commercial pilots were trained not to open the cockpit doors, no matter how dangerous the lives of the passengers, The Wire magazine reported. If the door is already open for some reason, the pilot or co-pilot can use the universal hijack code if they realize the danger. Experts question why the pilots did not use that code if the missing plane was hijacked. So are the pilots themselves involved in this incident? But no one can give a correct answer. And so the tangle of mysteries does not seem to unravel easily. But there is hope that many countries of the world, including the United States, are cooperating with the missing plane. In this modern era, everyone is hoping to unravel the mystery.

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