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Millions of dollars in wealth found in the secret treasure of the dead beggar!

The Dhaka Times Desk Aisha, who spent her entire life begging on the streets of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, died at the age of almost a hundred. But after he died, his vast wealth was discovered.


There are many beggars whose wealth is in no way inferior to that of an ordinary rich man. But it is because of their own mentality that they beg. Just such a woman named Aisha. He spent his whole life in begging. His mother and sister also used to beg. From a very young age, Aisha took her mother's hand to beg on the streets of Saudi Arabia. Although Aisha was a beggar, you can't help but be amazed at her wealth.

The total value of Aisha's wealth is 10 lakh 66 thousand 580 US dollars, which is worth 8 crore 29 lakh 58 thousand taka in Bangladeshi taka. Aisha's wealth includes her own four houses in Jeddah, gold jewellery, gold coins. Besides, he had 1 million Saudi riyals deposited with him.

Aisha has a foster child named Saeedi. Saidi said that her foster mother told her when she died that all the property was distributed among the poor people. Aisha also left a will to Saeedee in this regard. However, the Saudi administration has not yet taken any action in this regard.

Aisha's wealth increased further when her mother and sister died and bequeathed their wealth to Aisha. Aisha never squandered her wealth while living. And did not tell anyone how much wealth he had. Saidi said that when she found out that Aisha was a millionaire, she asked her foster mother to stop begging, but Aisha did not do so.

Meanwhile, talking to the tenants of Aisha's houses, it is known that Aisha never asked anyone for rent. Aisha used to let ordinary poor people stay in these houses. Meanwhile, the administration of Jeddah could not come to any decision on what to do with Aisha's huge amount of money as she has no relatives.

Source: Arab News

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