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Weird-mystery: Mummy is a woman naturally at home

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know more or less about mummies, but although various management and methods have been applied in making mummies in history, a body of a naturally mummified woman has been found in a house in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.


Born in 1953, Maria Cristina Fontana died in her apartment 10 years ago today, but no one knew about it because she had no relatives. Not even a neighbor in the vicinity inquired whether Fontana was alive or dead. 10 years after his death, neighbor Marcella Calvet broke down the door and found Fontena dead. But the surprising thing is that even though Fontena died 10 years ago, he is still the same, his body has not decomposed! Analysts are calling him a natural mummy.

According to Argentine law, if a property in that country remains unused for 10 consecutive years, it passes into the control of a neighbor. As a result, neighbor Marcela Calvet went to take possession of the house and found Fontena dead there. Fontena lay dead where he was for 10 straight years. At that time, the various neighbors around did not take notice of him and no one realized what had happened to Fontena's fate.

Researchers say Fontena died ten years ago today, at the time of his death Aneurysm was suffering from a disease called and he was 51 years old. However, even after death, doctors say that Fontena did not rot or his body was not deformed, the weather in the room where Fontena was dead was very dry and there was enough air. These factors also helped the natural environment to mummify Fontena's body.

"We never thought of him as dead or dead at home," said Marcela Calvet, who found Fontena. But he was dead in the house but we didn't smell anything." All the locals are surprised and shocked to find Fontena as a mummy like this.

Source: Newsinfo

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