The Dhaka Times
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Beware of ice cream and cold water!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many germs cause infections through common food. Like bacteria, viruses, fungi etc.

Beware of ice and cold water

Bacteria and fungi are easily removed from food by heat or cold. But the virus is not so simple. Several disease-causing viruses can survive for several days at temperatures of 4 degrees Celsius or less, and then infect humans when favorable conditions are met. Jaundice viruses are one of them.

Jaundice tends to occur occasionally in Bangladesh. The number of jaundice patients is increasing every year. Jaundice is the most common infection caused by water borne bacteria.

The drinking water and sewage water supplied in our cities are mixing together to spread the jaundice bacteria. Now people are becoming somewhat aware. They are drinking boiled water and filtered water. Even so, the incidence of jaundice is not decreasing much. In spite of various dishonesty and systematic errors among them, one more reason remains.

Recently, the trend of consuming cold drinks and ice cream has become a craze in our cities and rural areas, especially among teenagers and young adults. There are many other problems. Also has the ability to carry germs. The temperatures at which cold drinks and ice cream are prepared, stored and transported are conducive to the survival and transmission of many viruses, if not bacteria.

They are capable of causing widespread jaundice in our country. Especially hepatitis 'A' and hepatitis 'E'. Load shedding makes the virus easier to survive. So it is necessary to think carefully before drinking ice cream and cold drinks or it is absolutely necessary to warn children about it.

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