10 things you can easily do with your iPhone headphones [Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple's iPhone is the most popular and modern smartphone in the world. Its various components have all the modern facilities. Today we will know what benefits can be obtained with iPhone headphones.

Our phone is always in our pocket, we can perform various tasks with headphones by keeping the iPhone in our pocket or we can perform several tasks with headphones without pressing any button on the mobile phone. So let's know about the benefits one by one in detail.


1) If you are watching a song or video on your iPhone, you can pause, drag and skip the video or song or go to the next song with the iPhone headphones without touching your mobile phone. For this you need to press the volume up or down button.

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2) If you are watching a video, you can press the volume up button on the headphones to zoom the video or press the volume down button to zoom out the video.

3) If you want to quickly watch the music or video you are listening to on your mobile, press the middle button twice and hold the bottom button for a while.

4) If you want to skip any song or video, press the button below twice.

5) If you have a phone while watching music or video or mobile in your pocket, press the button in the middle of the headphones once and if you want to hang up the ongoing call, press it twice.

6) If you are at work and don't want to take a call, press the middle button for a while and you will hear two light beeps, immediately your voicemail will go to the caller.

7) If another call comes while you have a call running, press the middle button to pick up the call, and press the middle button for two seconds to disconnect the new call.

8) You can also take camera pictures with the help of headphones. You can take pictures by pressing the headphone volume up button.

9) If you are an iPhone 4S user, you can give the Voyage command by holding down the middle button for a while.

10) After all, you can do the most common functions of any headphone, such as answering a call, turning the volume up or down, etc.

Source: CNT

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১২, ২০১৭ 2:26 pm


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