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Why do heart attacks and strokes happen at 6:30 in the morning?

The Dhaka Times Desk Most of the stroke attacks occur at 6:30 am. But why a fixed time? Experts have found the answer to that question. Heart attacks and strokes occur mostly at 6:30 am. Scientists have been trying to know the reason for a long time.

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After a long study, American scientists now say that this happens because of a specific protein. Scientists at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital and Oregon Health and Science University say that levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI1) protein in the blood are higher in the morning. Due to which it disrupts the process of increasing blood fluidity. That is, it interferes with the normal process of preventing blood clotting. At 6:30 am

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The level of this protein in the blood is higher than at other times. Therefore, scientists have expressed the opinion that heart attacks and strokes are more common at this time. Scientists monitored the levels of this protein in the bodies of 12 healthy adults for about two weeks. Scientist Dr. Frank Shear said after the study, not because of daily activities or just because of environmental reasons, but because of our body clock, the level of PAI1 protein in the blood increases in the morning. And so heart attack and stroke are seen in the morning at that time. References: Daily Mail Online.

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