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Know what to do to avoid insomnia caused by the use of electronic devices!

The Dhaka Times Desk In today's modern times, as the use of technology has increased, the rate of insomnia has increased along with it. A study has shown that excessive use of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets or laptops can lead to nightmares like insomnia in people's lives. Let's know what to do to avoid insomnia caused by electronic devices.


A type of blue light emitted from smartphones and tablets affects the brain and which in the brain Melatonin is the hormone Disturbances in excretion. As a result sleep habits change and people develop insomnia. Because of this disease caused by electronic devices Electronic insomnia That is called electronic insomnia.

Many people are aware of this and therefore withdraw from the Internet world by spending little time on social networking sites or checking e-mails. But smartphones, tablets or laptops are directly connected to the real world outside the virtual world. So the rate of insomnia caused by the use of these continues to increase.


Sunidra plays a role in digestion and at the same time brings mental calmness thereby keeping the body healthy. So everyone should avoid insomnia. Let's find out what we do with electronic insomnia:

1) Finish all work before taking dinner. The ideal time can be taken up to eight o'clock in the night.

2) Reduce dependence on smartphones. It is better to prepare stock and presentation slides on computer. It is wise to make daily expenses, to-do list in notebook using phone less.

3) Most smartphone users use their phone as an alarm clock. It is considered a major cause of our insomnia. As a result, smartphones are always close at hand and because of this, we tend to use our phones even while sleeping. So it is wise to use a real alarm clock instead of using a smartphone as an alarm clock.

4) Log out of all social networking sites before going to bed.

5) If necessary, you can turn off the phone. If that is not possible then at least keep the smartphone in flight mode.


Remember, the role of good sleep is immense for a healthy body and mind. Success in every area of life requires a healthy body and mind which sleep brings. So, to avoid insomnia, there are some things you must do to avoid answering phone calls in the middle of the night. Avoid insomnia and lead a happier life by changing these little habits.

Reference: The TechJournal

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