The Dhaka Times
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Golden opportunity to fish in the village!

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Tuesday, 1 April 2014 Christ, 18 Chaitra 1420 Bengal, 30 Jum: Awal 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.


Canals are drying up. So the village scene is very similar. The people of the village are busy fishing in the canals.

In the city ponds are irrigated by machines for catching fish. But there is no need for him in the village. When the water dries up, everyone descends into the mud to catch fish. You will see such a scene when you go to the village. This fishing scene is very beautiful. Again you can catch fish yourself if you want. However, one should be careful not to attack the Jeol (horn) fish. Once a geel fish cuts your hand, you will have to suffer from pain for a few days. But it is better not to spoil the fun with this fear. Everyone is invited to fish in such a village environment.

May we have a good morning like every day. Good wishes to all once again - good morning.


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