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All wonderful pictures of living animals with people

The Dhaka Times Desk Russian photographer Katerina Plutnikova He has taken many wonderful pictures of people with live animals and birds, which one has to look at in amazement. Our today's arrangement with these wonderful pictures.


This talented female photographer lives in Moscow. After planning to photograph animals and birds with people, he had to convince some models. He had to take the help of a professional animal trainer for fearsome animals like bears and tigers. Even if the animals are not trained, the pictures are perfect due to Caterina's skills.


Caterina used tiger, bear, elephant, Maya deer, camel, giraffe, snake, peacock, owl etc. in the film. With each the attractive combination of the natural environment and the model's clothing brought the pictures to another dimension.


Separate sets are arranged for how many films. There is novelty in the images by adding additional content by fitting.


Some of Katerina Plutnikova's films also contain staged scenes. From which one can get an idea about the process. No one can dismiss the images as Photoshop.


Let's take a look at those amazing pictures:

Source: boredpanda

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