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Known-unknown: sleep-related diseases as terrible!

The Dhaka Times Desk Sleep is an essential physical need for us. As people can't work with very little sleep, some diseases can take root in the human body as a result of sleeping all the time.


Do you spend too much time sleeping? Or is your sleep too little? If so, beware now. Researchers say lack of sleep can cause mental and physical problems. Let's know what problems we may face due to excess sleep.

Exploding Head Syndrome


Exploding Head Syndrome is a disease in which you always hear a “boom” or loud noise during your sleep. You will wake up and see that everything is normal. In this way your sleep will become haram regularly. You will be mentally and physically disturbed after waking up to loud noises. The cause of this disease is excessive sleep. So stay away from too much sleep now.

Sleep paralysis


Sleep paralysis is usually caused by irregular sleep or too much sleep may be In case of sleep paralysis, a person tries to avoid something by closing his eyes while sleeping. During this time, the victim cannot move his hands, feet or face in any way. In our native language, we call this disease dumbness. Many people in the village also consider it to be caught in the saddle. This disease can occur only if there is too much or too little sleep.

Bad Dream or nightmare


People have nightmares when they sleep too much or too little. Many people say that nightmares during sleep are common. But medical science does not say that. Whenever you are worried about something or your sleep pattern is disturbed, you will dream about strange and scary things in your sleep. This will disturb your sleep and make you mentally disturbed.



Stress, less sleep, irregular sleep or more sleep are the reasons of many Parasomnia A disease called In case of this disease, people do various things while sleeping. A patient with this disease is practically asleep, but he actually walks, drives, runs, and even commits criminal acts in his sleep. There are many sufferers of this disease all over the world, many of whom have committed crimes in their sleep.

So, if any of the above-mentioned symptoms occur during sleep, consult a doctor immediately. Do not take any health related problem lightly. Health is the root of all happiness. Try to get enough sleep regularly.

Source: Wikipedia

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