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Let's find out what modern 4K video technology is?

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, many production companies, television networks and video editing companies around the world are using 4K technology video technology. But the interesting thing is that most people know about 4K video technology by name. Not many people know what its technical use is or why it is called 4K. Today we will show readers what is 4K video technology?


What is 4K technology?

Primarily 4K is a new resolution of graphics and movies made in standard design form. The best part of this is that it maintains the highest quality of the image, the image is well understood, the visible part of the image surface is well projected, the image is moving but the real visual understanding. 4K video technology has a horizontal resolution of 4000 pixels and a vertical resolution of 3000 pixels.


Use of 4K technology

The main use of 4K technology is video recording. 2K technology (1920 resolution) is much lower in resolution than 4K technology. So currently animation firms, cinematographers are opting for 4K technology instead of Tooke technology. It can make sound and picture quality much better. TVs currently being manufactured are said to be based on 4K resolution UHD Television. UHD Hall Ultra-high definition. Cinematography used to lose or cut out a lot of scenes due to the lower resolution, but now 4K resolution doesn't have to remove all those scenes, making the scenes look much more realistic.


The visual size of 4K technology

4K files are much larger than HD 1080 resolution files. A typical 4K technology file size is around 816 megabytes. A Blu-ray film will be at least 50 GB in size. BDXL discs usually have a maximum capacity of 120 GB. BDXL is the highest compression disc. 4K technology has gained popularity among people in a very short period of time.

Thanks to 4K technology, in the near future we can expect to get more advanced technology closer to reality. Besides that, technologists are researching to bring 4K resolution to holographic.

Reference:The Tech Journal

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