Categories: Special article

Unknown: The dreaded cursed island of 'Gayola'

The Dhaka Times Desk Gaiola is a small island in Italy. This island is a wonderful creation of natural beauty. It will look like a small paradise. But this island is cursed. Let's find out why Gaiola is called Cursed.

Allegedly, the owners of the island have suffered unfortunate fates over the ages. The truth of this can be found by looking at history. In 1920, the owner of Gayola was Switzerland Hans Brown. He was living on the island. He was found dead a few years later. It does not end here. A few months after Brown's death, his wife drowned. Folklore begins from here. After that many more stories happened around this island.

The next owner is German Otto Grünback. He died of a heart attack while at home on the island. suffers the same fate Morris-Yves Sandoz. He committed suicide in a mental hospital in Switzerland.

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Its next owner is a German steel industrialist Baron Carl Paul Langheim. He has to face huge financial losses for leading a reckless life.

Gianni Agnelli He was the owner of the island. He had to bear the death of numerous relatives. The next owner was Paul Getty whose grandson was kidnapped. And finally he sold the island.

The last owner of the island Gianpascuale Grappone. He was jailed for murder in 2009 and spent the rest of his life in jail.

Thus a series of misfortunes indicates an omen. Maybe Gayona really is cursed. But despite all this, thousands of tourists constantly rush to the island. Its natural scenery beckons everyone to visit.

Source: Onesarcasticbroad

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৮, ২০১৪ 10:02 am

ABM Noorullah

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