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Chimpanzees can talk to people!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is normal for people to talk to people but if you ever hear an animal talking to people, think how strange it would be! One such incident was reported when a bonobo chimpanzee was able to communicate with humans using a computer.

শিম্পাঞ্জি মানুষের সঙ্গে কথা বলতে পারে! 1
The science journal "Nature" reported that this two-year-old bonobo was able to communicate with humans using a thin panel and special software. This bonobo named 'Tako' has been able to produce hundreds of thousands of words using this specially designed software. funny
The thing is, he arranged these words one by one to form sentences and some simple questions too. Taco can even narrate jokes using that software.

Bonobos look similar to chimpanzees, but their physical characteristics and behavior are different. They are more social than chimpanzees and are intelligent creatures with a great ability to adapt to human language. This rare chimpanzee has a black face and black hair. This type of chimpanzee is found in the deep forests of Zaire in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa. Their number is ten to fifty thousand.

A group of scientists believe that the results of such research on monkeys will help to reveal various information about the behavior of early animals and the origins of sociality, language and culture of Homosapiens species.

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