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MIT researchers have created hybrid living cells that can also make electronic devices!

The Dhaka Times Desk A group of MIT engineers have created a living cell from a bacterial body. It is a living cell capable of making electronic devices. by this cell Biofilmic Technologists believe the materials can be made.


The organism is expected to help in the production of touch technology materials such as gold nanoparticles and quantum dots. As a result, living cells are able to form complex compounds. As a result, they can be used to make solar cells, self-healing cells, diagnostic sensors and smartphones.


“Our thinking is to unite the living and the inanimate by creating a hybrid material that will be more alive and functional”. Timothy Liu, Professor of Electrical-Biological Engineering of the research team, explained the matter in this way. It is a primitive way of thinking in which material elements can be analyzed. It is beyond our imagination that things are turning upside down as we have seen them for so long.


Among bacteria, E.coli bacteria have been used because they are naturally used to form biofilms. It produces a type of fiber on the surface of its cells known as “curlifibres”. Programming cells are able to generate different curlifibers by analyzing different environmental conditions. By controlling the properties of biofilms, researchers can create gold nanowires and quantum dots, or crystalline quantum mechanical materials.

MIT researchers say this is another step forward in nanotechnology. It may not be too long when nanobioserum can easily treat any incurable disease by entering the body.

Reference: Inhabitant

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