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Watch Electric Eel Eats Fish, Crocodile Dies From Electric Shock [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk When an alligator eats an electric eel stuck in mud, the eel is electrocuted to death. Alligators are a species of crocodile whose mouths are much smaller than those of crocodiles.


It is truly unfortunate that the starving alligator's last meal was this electric eel fish. The electric eel was trapped in a muddy river bend. It could not find its way to the sea. A hungry alligator was wandering around in search of food, saw the eel and pounced, resulting in the alligator being electrocuted by the eel's body.


An electric eel carries about 100 volts of charge in its body. But in times of danger he is capable of producing more electricity in his body. So when the electric eel encounters danger in the ocean it produces 450 volts to 650 volts of electricity which is capable of killing a large shark. The crocodile thought it was prey and slowly moved forward until it realized what was in store for it. The crocodile bites the victim and he realizes what he did wrong but it's too late, the electric eel shocks him enough to knock him out.

An unknown cameraman, while passing by the river in the forest, noticed the unexpected phenomenon and videotaped it. He uploaded the video on YouTube and made it public. It got quite a response soon after its release and the video has already been viewed nearly 170,000 times.

Watch the video

Reference: The Daily Mail

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