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Drinking water with arsenic reduces brain IQ

The Dhaka Times Desk Have you ever thought, your tap water can lower your IQ? Yes, a recent study showed that water containing arsenic reduces the memory power of the brain.


recently Environmental Health A study on arsenic published in the journal Naam has shown that drinking water containing arsenic causes damage to the human brain in addition to harming the body.  Portland Press Herald Their study followed 272 children for 5 years. These children were victims of arsenic contamination. Worryingly, those children are found to have low intelligence or brain memory.

Professor Amy Schwartz of the University of New Hampshire, who is associated with the research, said, "People who live in the middle of arsenic go back a little bit mentally. Arsenic is usually present in groundwater below the ground. For people who drink water containing arsenic, it must be considered mentally debilitating.”


It should be noted that the arsenic problem is very serious in the northern areas of Bangladesh. According to World Health Organization standards, if 1 liter of water contains 10 micrograms of arsenic, that water is polluted. Testing of tube well water in 61 districts of Bangladesh revealed that 421 TP3T tube well water in those districts of Bangladesh has arsenic levels higher than the World Health Organization standards.

Therefore, it is important for Bangladesh to be wary of the said research now. Awareness needs to be created now at the public and private levels.

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