The Dhaka Times
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Farmer's good news: Only two and a half taka machines will reduce irrigation cost by 40 percent

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh is a major agricultural country, but farmers in our country have to face many obstacles in their agricultural work. Farmers suffer the most problems in irrigation. This time the scientist of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Bari) discovered such a cost-effective irrigation device that will reduce the irrigation cost of the entire season by 40 percent for only two and a half taka!


Research Scientist of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Bari). Farooq Bin Hussain Eyamin Invented a device with which a farmer can easily measure the moisture content of his land and irrigate the land accordingly. By doing this, a farmer can reduce the cost of irrigation in his land by about 40 percent.

Even today, soil moisture meters manufactured by several foreign companies are available in the market. However, the price of these devices is high and it is very difficult to measure humidity in these devices, which is not possible for the simple farmers of our country. Due to this, the farmer became disinterested in using all those moisture measuring devices.

Director General of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Bari) said, "With this newly discovered moisture measuring device, you can easily determine the moisture required for any crop. And he can irrigate the land in that proportion.”


He further said, "This machine will save the national resources greatly by reducing the cost to the farmers while providing moderate irrigation and preventing excess wastage of water."

Scientist Farooq bin Hossain Eyamin, the inventor of the device, said, "The farmers irrigate the fields without understanding the needs of the crops. It wastes more water. It is possible to reduce the cost of irrigation by about 40 percent if the irrigation schedule is formulated by measuring the humidity through this device.”

“It is very cost-effective, only 2 to 3 feet of GI pipe, scale, batkhara and a hand-made nitti are required,” he says of the apparatus. It will cost only two and a half rupees to buy these and make the machine. With which a farmer can reduce the cost of irrigation by 40%.”

Inventor Scientist Farooq bin Hossain Eyamin said that this device, which is necessary for farmers, will be available in the market by the end of this year. Besides, this scientist discovered the method of determining the presence of formalin in food last year.

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