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Imprint of the horrors of World War II on nature

Since 1930, this maxim song has been used. It was widely used in World War II

The Dhaka Times Desk The world will remember the horrors of World War II for a long time. In a forest in Russia, a weapon used at the time, the helmet, was found stuck to a tree.


Soviet Army historian and World War II re-enactor Alexander Ostapenko recently took some photos from the Neva Bridgehead, also known as Nevsky Prospekt in Russia. From September 1941 to May 1943, fierce military operations took place in the area to capture Leningrad. Evidence of that has emerged in Ostapenko's film.

গ্রেনেডটি আটকে আছে গাছের মধ্যে। এখনও সম্ভাবনা আছে এটি বিস্ফোরণের
[The grenade is stuck in the tree. There is still the possibility of it exploding]
১৯৩০ সাল থেকে এই মাক্সিম গানের ব্যবহার শুরু। দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধে এটি ব্যপক ভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়
[From 1930 this maxim started to be used. It was used extensively in World War II]
Some photos show slender trees climbing through Soviet Army helmets. The size and condition suggest that they belong to the Red Army. Each helmet was found damaged. It is not difficult to guess what happened to their owner.

হেলমেটগুলো উড়ে গিয়ে গাছের উপর পড়েছিলো। পরে এগুলোর ছিদ্র দিয়ে গাছ বাড়তে থাকে
[The helmets fly off and land on the trees. Later trees grow through these holes]
Besides, grenades, rifles, guns, cannons, shovels etc. are stuck in the trees. They were embedded or attached to the tree. Over time, they get stuck in the tree as the tree grows.

এই হেলমেট গেঁথে গিয়েছিল গাছে
[This helmet stuck in a tree]
৭৫ মিলিমিটারের গুলিটি গাছে বিদ্ধ হয়ে আছে
[The 75mm bullet has pierced the tree]
The Red Army lost 260,000 soldiers during the war with the Germans. Between 1941 and 1945, 20 million Soviet military civilians died. Among them were 1.4 million soldiers and officers of the military.

হয়তো বেলচাটি কোন সৈনিক আটকে রেখে গিয়েছিলো। কিন্তু আর ফিরে আসেনি
[Maybe the shovel was left behind by a soldier. but never came back]
In Ostapenko's film, it is evident that the brutality of man has been restrained by nature. Nature, not man, wins in the end.

Source: Dailymail

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