The Dhaka Times Desk Sleep is essential for all living beings. Sleep plays an important role in keeping all the functions of the body functioning properly. A recent study has shown that insects and spiders also sleep. They even sleep regularly like advanced animals.
Insects also have a central nervous system that forces them to sleep regularly. They have circadian cycles. Its job is to inform the animal about the day-night cycle and help it sleep on time. Each insect follows its own circadian cycle.
However, not all insects carry the same circadian cycle. Each one is different. That is why one eats during the day and sleeps at night, and one eats at night and sleeps during the day. So we see some insects during the day and some insects at night.
In 2000, the California Neuroscience Institute and the University of Pennsylvania were the first to study insect sleep. They researched a type of fruit fly. They also recorded their sleep times in an attempt to gain an understanding of their circadian cycles.
In the study, they kept half of the flies awake while they rested and the other half awake all the time. It can be seen that the flies that could not sleep became dull. And those who slept at other times were not seen so lively. This suggests that they have efficient circadian cycles and need adequate sleep at specific times.
There is no limit to the interest of researchers in sleep patterns and circadian cycles. Recently this kind of discovery about insect sleep is really amazing. Many believe this will make pest control much more convenient.
Source: TheTechJournal