Categories: Special article

Tia bird also names children, calls children by that name!

The Dhaka Times Desk Only a few species of birds can learn to speak like humans. Tia is one of them. This gives an idea about the intelligence of the tea bird. Meanwhile, some researchers studied the Tia bird and got surprising results. Tia birds name their young. Later they were called by this name.

Tia names babies within a week of birth. Children get used to this name. They remember their own names as well as the names of others at home and around. Everyone talks by name. The name given as a child remains for life.

researcher Carl Berg And his team began researching tia birds at the Wild tia Research Center in Venezuela. They set up equipment to record audio and video inside and outside 17 teal nests. Apart from this, 106 artificial nests are made outside them and equipment is also kept in them. Thus they recorded 5000 calls of different tiers. They researched their similarities and differences.

The results obtained from this are very surprising. In addition to giving names to children, Tia also address them by name during conversation in their own society.

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Then the researchers are interested to know, this naming is hereditary? To find out, they alternately distributed the tea eggs in nine households. The foster parents are then seen raising the children in the same way as the real parents. Even the name is given in the same way. This means that naming is not hereditary, but a social characteristic.

কার্ল বার্গের মতে, যদিও মানুষ ভাববে টিয়াগুলো অর্থহীন কিচির মিচির করছে, আদতে তা ঠিক নয়। তারা নিজেদের মধ্যে কথাবার্তা চালাচ্ছে। একটি শব্দ বারবার করলে বুঝতে হবে তারা নাম ধরে ডাকছে। ব্যাপারটি অনেকটা এমন, একটি টিয়া আরেকটি টিয়াকে বলবে, “হ্যালো টম, কিছু খেতে চাও? আমি বব”

Tia birds have a slightly larger brain than other birds, so their intelligence is high. Therefore, scientists are more interested in Tia. And Tia is a very favorite bird for all of us for its intelligence and beauty. If one keeps a Tia bird at home, remember while naming it, it already has a name given by its parents.

Watch a video on research:

Source: dailymail

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৮, ২০১৪ 12:16 pm

ABM Noorullah

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