The Dhaka Times
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Superstar Rajinikanth's site runs 'without internet'!

The Dhaka Times Desk India's Superstar Rajinikanth means a little different, a little different, Rajinikanth's web site has recently debuted. Naturally, like Rajinikanth, his website will be a little different. The surprising thing is that you don't need any internet connection to use Rajinikanth's website.


Tamil film Rajadhiraj, the highest paid actor in India (3 times that of Amitabh Bachchan), Rajinikanth is the highest paid actor in Asia after Jackie Chan. Whenever you enter Rajinikanth's web site immediately you will get the message please turn off your internet connection otherwise you will not be able to access this site. Rajinikanth's website will automatically open whenever you turn off your internet connection.

Those who have seen Rajinikanth's films must know how much power he can display in the film, as if he can lay 10 people together in one fell swoop. Almost in the film, he single-handedly arrested the entire Tamil Nadu police force.


Once you enter Rajinikanth's site, you will be prompted to welcome to Rajinikanth's site, but this site is powered by Rajini-Power. Since it runs on RajniPower, you don't need any internet power to browse it! What are you wondering? See for yourself All about rajni dot com by going Remember to enter the site must turn off the Internet connection, otherwise you will not see any content on the site!

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