The Dhaka Times
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Nebula is another wonder of space

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the research of scientists about space - it will not end. Another wonder of space - and that is the nebula. In the study of this nebula, scientists have learned that these nebulae or nebulae can be seen in the night sky!

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This vast space attracts more or less everyone. Everyone wants to touch that sky. But the sky cannot be touched because it does not exist. And one of the human characteristics is to run after that which cannot be found. That is why people have many speculations about the sky, this space. Everyone at one time or another looks at the sky in wonder and gets lost in another world. And one of the many wonders of space is the nebula.

Nebula (nebula) is nebula in Bengali. Nebula or Nebula is formed by dust particles of space. Clouds of gas or dust form together to form nebulae, which can be seen in the night sky. Gases include interstellar clouds or mags, hydrogen gas, helium gas, and other ionic gases. There is also plasma. Most of the gas is in the plasma state within the nebula. Being in plasma state is due to high heat. At this high temperature all gases go into plasma state.

A word called interstellar cloud above is called interstellar cloud. In fact, nebula is the general name for all cosmic objects, including galaxies, that lie outside the Milky Way. For example, before Edwin Hubble's discovery of the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy was originally known as the Andromeda Nebula.

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