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Exercise before breakfast: Will help you lose fat

The Dhaka Times Desk Fat problem occurs with age. This problem is more pronounced in people over forty. So exercise is very important. But that should be before breakfast. Because exercise before breakfast will help you lose fat.

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According to a recent report published in the Daily Mail, morning exercise is more effective in reducing fat.

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A group of researchers from Glasgow University gave this report after a long study. The head of the research team Dr. "Exercise itself is very beneficial," says Jason Gill. But if that exercise is done before breakfast then there is no word. Because researchers have found that exercise before breakfast is more beneficial. The reason, they say, is that it reduces body fat and makes the body burn more fat. As a result, the calories added to breakfast are digested very easily. Researchers believe that they cannot accumulate in the form of fat.

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Researchers have therefore suggested, instead of exercising at other times of the day, exercise before breakfast after waking up in the morning. You can live a normal life by reducing your body fat. Researchers believe that people over the age of forty should show more interest in this morning exercise.
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