The Dhaka Times
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Robots run under Bengali instructions: Assistive robots will be made for the disabled using the same technology

The Dhaka Times Desk Although the value of English language is high in science, this time Department of Electrical, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology Third year student Sadli Salahuddin And Saumin Islam Made a robot that can understand Bengali language and follow instructions given in Bengali.


Basically this robot is able to do various tasks by verbal command. Although the robot is very small, you can control it from thousands of miles away. As a result, it can be used for various state security purposes. Apart from that, using this technology, it is possible to make drones without robotic drivers.

The robot needs power supply and internet connection to run. You can control this robot from one country to another with just internet connection. If the robot is given a verbal command, go right or go left, the robot will go right or left according to your command.

Sadli Salahuddin said, "With this robot technology we have invented, we can make control panels for drones. But we won't be applying our technology to killing machines just yet. We are thinking of making a special type of chair to help people who are crippled or physically challenged. Disabled people can go to different places with verbal instructions in that wheel chair made by us. Life will become very normal for them And making such a friendly robot will cost a whopping 8-10 thousand taka.”

In general, inventors want to use their inventions for the benefit of humanity. Their aim is to use it for human welfare Two young inventors want to use their invention for the welfare of people Let Bangladesh move forward with the new innovations of talented people, this way it is possible to use Bangladesh's science and discoveries for the welfare of people.

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