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Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal gave evidence that the question leak happened in the public examination of the country

The Dhaka Times Desk There have been allegations of question leakage in various public examinations held recently in the country. The government is saying that these are not leaks but rumors are being spread. Is it really so? In this regard, Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal sent a message to the media with proof sent to him by a student.

Along with the students, the parents are also worried about the question paper leak in the public examination. Leaking of question papers before the examination of important subjects has become a regular occurrence. Starting from Bengali, English and Maths of the primary education of Komalmati children, the questions of the last HSC exam have been leaked. Although the education sector has improved in the past few years, the glory of public examinations is fading due to the question paper leak. The image of the government is also getting damaged. Question paper leaks are on the rise as those involved go unpunished, say academics.

Although many people have different opinions about the question paper leak, Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal sent a message with proof based on a student's complaint to himself, where he addressed the authorities, will anyone tell me? We are for the reader Dear dot com Below is the published message written by Zafar Iqbal.

"A girl called me the next day. He is an HSC candidate. The girl is very upset. Because he found out – the physics questions were leaked. The girl said, we study so hard and some people buy questions from the market and take the exam, do well in the exam, get a chance at a good place. So what is the rule - this country of crooks? Do we do anything?

I consoled the girl. I said - what the education minister said, it must be true. In fact, some people make money by cheating some students by deceiving that the question has been leaked. After the test is over, show the question and make a fuss. The girl said, 'Let me send you the questions I have now. After two days, when the test is done, you will compare.' I said, 'Okay.' She immediately sent me some handwritten questions.

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Today was the exam. Since morning I have been praying in my heart - that the questions do not match, I will be able to tell the girl - you see, in fact the questions do not leak! In the afternoon, the girl called and said that the leaked questions have been found. He sent me a copy of the question.

I am putting together the exam questions and the handwritten questions I received yesterday. If you don't believe anyone, you can see it with your own eyes. I also added the date and time of my email. I removed the girl's e-mail address, so that she does not get into trouble again.

The girl told me - Sir, do something.

Can anyone tell me what to do? The children of this country will take our country forward by studying, how much we dream about that. Our children hold this dream, study, then it is seen - the government of this country cannot provide the security of an exam question paper! I am not willing to believe that there can be any problem with the security of exam papers, if you want to be sincere. The girl I'm talking about, before calling me, tried calling everywhere like crazy to share her experience - no one would listen.

Does pretending not to see a problem solve the problem? If you want to solve the problem, you have to admit it first. The highest level of the country is not willing to accept this problem. How will the problem be solved?

We want the children of this country to dream of a new life. How can we dream of these hopeless children who are terribly angry?

Will someone tell me?”

Muhammad Zafar Iqbal
Professor, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

Source: dear dot com


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