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Easy natural solution to get rid of mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches etc. in the house!

The Dhaka Times Desk Insect infestation is a very common problem in the house. But it not only increases the trouble, but also spreads various diseases. We use various pesticides to get rid of these insects from the house, which are as harmful to our body as insects.

Cockroach Invasion

Today we will know how to get rid of mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches etc. from house to house without using pesticides.

lemon juice
There are many things in nature that can counteract each other. Some things can be tolerated by one species, but some things cannot be tolerated by another species. Just as ants cannot tolerate lemon juice, regular spraying of lemon juice reduces ant infestation.

Neem leaves or black cumin seeds
Neem leaves are a natural insecticide. Although it is a gathering of insects, it has no harm but benefit to humans. Tie dry neem leaves or black cumin seeds under the mattress in the cupboard or clothes storage area. Wipe the house with neem leaf water. Pest infestation will be reduced.

Cinnamon and cloves
Cinnamon and cloves are spices. But it is useful to repel cockroaches or ants. Cinnamon and cloves will give your house a nice smell as well as relieve the pain of ants. Place a few pieces of cinnamon and cloves in various places around the house. We all know that ants are very interested in sugar bowls. Keep a few cloves to get rid of this problem.

boiling water
Pour boiling water into kitchen sink water lines and wash room lines.

Mix two tablespoons of vinegar in water while cleaning the floor. It will get rid of cockroaches, ants and cockroaches.

Clean the house with savlon to remove mosquitoes from the house. It will keep your house germ free.

A simple way to repel mosquitoes is the use of camphor, soak a few pieces of camphor in half a cup of water and place them under the bed. This will definitely reduce the mosquito infestation at home.

the sun
Houses, covers, mattresses, pillows, clothes, etc. should be exposed to the sun occasionally. This reduces the number of insects and spiders.

No light should be placed on the dining table and stove in the kitchen to protect against food insects.

Lightness and cleanliness
Every corner of the room must be kept clean. Light and air should be provided in the room.

That's all for today, stay tuned to The Dhaka Times for more great natural tips.

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