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Divorce party now!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen many kinds of parties. Like wedding party, birthday party and many other parties. But this time Hollywood actress Katy Perry organized an exceptional party. This time he will organize his 'divorce party'!
এবার ডিভোর্স পার্টির আয়োজন! 1
It is known that two days before this birthday, it will be two years since her failed marriage with actor Russell Brand. And this pop artist does not want to be sad by remembering old memories before his birthday. Katie's efforts to keep her mental state good!

A source told British tabloid 'The Sun' that Katie had been waiting for October 23 for a long time. Because on that day she married Russell Brand. But just two days before her birthday, Katie is not willing to sit down with the pain of separation. And so he decided to organize a grand 'divorce party' on that very day.

The source added that Katie's friends wanted to take her on a trip to Las Vegas. But Katie wants to enjoy time with loved ones in her own home. Courtesy: Bangladesh News24.

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