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Frozen food is healthier than fast food

The Dhaka Times Desk In our country there is a tendency to cook and eat. But those who do not have the opportunity to cook either continue to eat and drink with fast food or frozen food in various hotel restaurants. The question is, are they healthy? Which of these two is better? The CDC answered this question. According to them frozen food is much healthier than fast food.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is located in Atlanta, USA. It is abbreviated as CDC. They found that those who ate frozen food had better nutrition than those who ate fast food. The data comes from the CDC's own National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. This count was conducted in the United States from 2003 to 2010.

According to the CDC, people who eat frozen meals eat more vegetables, such as greens, beans, and whole grains. In this case, fast food consumers tend to consume fewer calories (units of energy from food).


And those who eat fast food at hotel restaurants tend to consume more calories, refined grains and less protein than those who eat frozen meals.


Research assistant researcher Dr. Victor L. of Falgani According to the study, frozen food consumers are ahead of fast food consumers in terms of ideal nutritional intake. Those consuming frozen meals daily gained 253 more calories than those consuming fast food.

The results of this study definitely put frozen food ahead of fast food. So if you do not have the facility to cook, it is better to eat frozen food instead of eating fast food.

Source: NewsMaxHealth

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