The Dhaka Times
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Black glass is banned in cars from May 10

The Dhaka Times Desk The Ministry of Home Affairs has banned black glass in cars due to the recent increase in kidnapping incidents. This order will be effective from May 10.

Black Glass

According to the order of the Ministry of Home Affairs, black, colored, mercury and opaque glass cannot be used in all types of vehicles including microbuses, private cars, pickups. A notification of the Ministry of Home Affairs informed about this ban, saying that the Ministry has taken this decision considering the overall law and order situation. These decisions were taken in the recently formed core committee meeting on law and order situation.

In the meeting, Minister of State for Home Affairs Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal also said that CC cameras will soon be installed in all metro politon cities to prevent all kinds of activities by terrorists.

It is to be noted that in the recent past, the cases of kidnapping and murders in the country have increased to an excessive extent, which has created panic in the public mind. The government has been widely criticized for this at home and abroad.

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