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Made in Canada is an extraordinary skyway surrounded by glass!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many structures in the world are famous for their architectural style. They increase the heart rate in humans. They are made especially with travelers in mind. A skyway with glass sides and bottom was recently built in a park in Canada. That is, a glass-enclosed skyway has been arranged to walk.


This runway is under construction On the Icefield Parkway in Canada's Jasper National Park. It starts from a steep hill, slopes 35 meters out and is located about 280 meters above the Sanuapta Gorge in the park. It is 400 meters long in length. As its walkway is made of glass, the natural environment around and below can be seen.

Brewster Travel of Canada has created this extraordinary airline. After five years of design and two years of construction, it was launched on May 1. It cost 21 million Canadian dollars to build.


Travelers need to take a five-minute bus ride from the Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Center, an hour's drive from the town of Jasper, to reach the airstrip. It will be open daily from May to October. Tickets are priced at C$24.95 for adults and C$12.50 for children. According to Brewster Travel, the trip will be educational as one can get a better understanding of glaciers, biodiversity and ecology.


However, some people have adverse reactions to this glass-enclosed skyway. According to them, this structure should not have been built in this park amidst the natural diversity. According to Sean Nicholson of the Alberta Wilderness Association, one of the responders, 'This establishment is purely for commercial purposes. Biodiversity has not been thought of.' However, Brewster Travel said that they have built this airstrip by meeting all the conditions of biodiversity conservation.

Source: CNN

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