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Chocolate Lover 'Bees' Making Colorful Honey!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now the news is out, chocolate-loving bees are making blue and green honey filled with chalk! But bad news for honey lovers, this colorful honey is not for sale. This amazing event is happening in the Alsace region of France. News from LiveScience.
Chocolate Lover 'Bees' Making Colorful Honey! 1
In addition to collecting flower extracts, bees in the Alsace region of France are extracting processed sugar from local bioplants and waste from M&M chocolate factories. And this is what makes colored honey. Common bees collect raw honey from the flowers and deliver it to the bees in charge of the hive. Raw honey is processed in the stomach of those bees. The bees store the honey in the hive. After that, when the moisture of the honey coming out of the stomach evaporates into water vapor, pure honey remains.

Meanwhile, honey farmers in Alsace are in trouble as bees move away from flower honey and rely on industrially processed sugar. Unable to sell their collected honey. Andre Freehe, a local honey trader in Alsace, said that the blue and green substances collected from the beehive look like honey. The taste is very similar. But that liquid is not honey anyway. On the other hand, to solve this problem, the local biogas plant Agrivalor and chocolate manufacturer M&M have promised to cover the waste materials and keep the waste containers as clean as possible. Courtesy:

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