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Terrible tornado origin and impact scene from satellite! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A satellite image shows a large tornado spawning in the ocean that swept over seven states in the central and southern United States. It has caused huge damage in the said areas.


NASA This picture was published on their own website last Sunday. NASA and Noah (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) jointly control the GEOS East satellite. Through this satellite they analyze the weather conditions of their country. At least 17 people died in the sudden tornado. Extensive damage was done in Mayflower and Vilonia, Arkansas states. According to local residents, the tornado spanned about half a mile. But according to Arkansas authorities, 15 people have died.


Just one day later, another widespread tornado struck the southern and central United States. About 29 people died due to this tornado. According to estimates so far, 2014 will set a new record for tornadoes in the United States. Environmentalists believe that such natural disasters are increasing as a result of changes in the adverse effects of the environment.

See more in the video:

Reference: Mashable

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