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Know the reasons behind the longevity of the world's longest living people

The Dhaka Times Desk Avoiding alcohol, not smoking, eating a low-calorie diet, not having children, and exercising regularly may not appeal to you. But that's what the world's oldest man believes is the key to longevity.


Alexander Imich is 111 years old. He is a resident of New York. of The New York Times It is known that he is the longest living person in the world as proven by genetic tests. There are many factors behind his longevity. He did not smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, eat low calorie food. And these are the motto of his longevity. However, doctors say that these habits of his only affected his genetic characteristics but did not determine how many years he would live.

Imich was born on February 4, 1903 in Poland. He is currently the world's oldest person, according to the Gerontology Research Center in Calif. This record was previously held by Italian resident Arturo Ricardo. He died on April 24 this year. He was 111 years and 357 days old at the time of his death. Alexander Imich is currently the oldest male. The oldest woman is Misao Okaya of Japan. His current age is 116 years.


Imich said about his longevity, I never thought about it. I never thought I was getting old. The Wright Brothers were inventing airplanes when Imich was a 10-month-old baby. He can remember the earliest vehicles he saw in his town. During the Polish-Soviet conflict in the Bolshevik War, he fled to the Soviets to escape the Holocaust. Then he took refuge in the Soviet Gulag city. Then he immigrated to the United States and published a book in 1992. The reason for his longevity, he says, is that he and his wife did not have children. He abstained from alcohol and smoking. But he thanks his genes for his long life. He thinks that it is because of his longevity gene that he has been able to live for so many years.

He became somewhat emotional when the subject of World War II came up. He thinks that one of the saddest days in his life, which still makes him shudder when he thinks about it, is World War II. He said World War II still makes me cry as I shudder to recall its brutality. I thought I was going to die today. But I am still alive after that horror.

Reference: NewsmaxHealth

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