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Radioactive radiation found at the top of Mount Everest!

The Dhaka Times Desk When climbers climb Mount Everest to conquer it, radiation is the last thing that comes to them against all other adverse conditions. But when they discover its peak, they realize they are inside a huge radiation.


A Scottish radiation expert has shown that the amount of radiation at the top of Mount Everest is equivalent to that of a large-scale nuclear power plant. As a result, climbers who climb Mount Everest are simultaneously exposed to the same radiation as workers in a nuclear power plant. Radiation expert Bob Carr decided he would climb Mount Everest with a Geiger-Mueller counter. The radiation level of a place is measured with a Geiger Muller counter. He wanted to see how much radiation there is at the top of Mount Everest. He started his expedition in May 2013 and climbed 26000 feet. But at this altitude he developed lateral blindness due to lack of oxygen.

As a result, he had to suspend the campaign at this height. He gave Geiger Muller's counter to his Nepali Sherpa or guide and told him to keep the expedition moving. With his Nepali guide Darji Khatri Geiger Muller climbed Everest to 29,000 feet. Geiger Mueller counter measurements show that 1 millisievert or 1 msv of radiation is present at this height of Everest. This amount is five times more than the annual average radiation exposure of a worker at a nuclear power plant. The radiation at this height of Everest comes mainly from cosmic rays or cosmic rays from space and the application of this radiation is done directly without any distillation.

Bob Carr said in this context after the discovery of this wonderful radiation on Everest, when I started working on radiation prevention. Then I came to know that conquering Everest, the most dangerous job in the world, is a hobby of a class of people. They climb it again and again with the urge to conquer it. But none of them are experienced in its radiation. They don't even know about cosmic rays. This radiation has serious effects on the body. One of the worst consequences of cosmic ray radiation is uncontrolled cell growth in the body. This can lead to major cancers. In addition, cosmic rays can cause everything from eye blindness to skin allergies.

Reference: TechJournal

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