The Dhaka Times
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BRAC's floating education raft is now in Netrakona to provide education to the poor

The Dhaka Times Desk The country's education system, especially the rural education system, is in a very fragile situation. After basic needs other than clothing, shelter is education. But village boys and girls are largely deprived of proper education. Because there is no parya school. Schools are also favorable for use. There are also other problems. And so this time BRAC's floating education barge has come out in Netrakona to provide education opportunities to the poor.
হতদরিদ্রদের শিক্ষার সুযোগ দিতে ব্র্যাকের ভাসমান শিক্ষা তরী এবার নেত্রকোনায় 1
The District Administrator took the initiative to run the school. Then this initiative was successful through BRAC. This school will teach students from class 1 to class 5. The entrepreneurs said that it will be promoted up to class 10 later. For this a floating tari has been made. Students will appear there at the scheduled time.

Note that the Netrakona area is a flooded area. That is why parents are afraid to send small children to school for fear of monsoon season. And so this initiative was taken by the district administration for the purpose of providing education to the dropout students. 33 students will be admitted in each class. However, BRAC has informed that the floating rate will be further increased later. By doing this, students will be proactive and pay attention to studies.

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