Categories: tutorial

Caution: Luscious apps/links on Facebook you should avoid

The Dhaka Times Desk Many times different profile visitor links or apps are seen on Facebook. Many people are seen using these apps, but you should be careful while using these apps.

In fact, most users on social media are interested in knowing who is visiting their profile. However, Facebook does not have any mechanism by which you can know which of your friends have visited your profile. There are some sites other than Facebook that allow users to view profile visitors. One such site is LinkedIn, since LinkedIn is a professional site, it offers such benefits.

Although Facebook doesn't have an option to view profile visitors, many apps claim to let you know who is visiting your profile with some third-party apps. Can you really find out? Nah! This is not possible. Because you cannot take this advantage with any other app where Facebook does not have such a system. In this case, if you log in your profile with all those apps, you won't get anything. But sometimes your ID is likely to get hacked. Because these apps collect all your profile information with your permission. It can even comment on different friends' timelines, groups, pages for you.

Today, many people have seen that their friends are posting some bad links in different groups, on the wall, these links are actually not being posted by the profile owner himself. In this case, all the third party apps that he has allowed to post on his own are happening from those apps.

So, beware of such links/apps to view profile view, try to change Facebook color, see who is unfriending or earn online. Otherwise you may lose your ID due to greed. Or you may feel ashamed due to the nonsense link sharing among friends.

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Facebook Statement on Third Party Apps See here.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৫, ২০১৫ 6:58 pm


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