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How to clean touch screen mobile or computer [tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, our daily used mobile phones, tablets, MP3 players, computers have Touch Screen in many things. Fingerprint reading is normal due to daily use. Wipe your daily device thoroughly at least twice a day. But of course following some rules.

Touch Screen

Rules for wiping screen:

It is very important to first determine the right cloth for wiping the # Screen.

Touch Screen-5

# Micro fiber cloth like eyeglass cloth is better.

Touch Screen-2

# can be wiped with a soft cotton cloth.

Touch Screen-3

# Screen cannot be wiped with towel or tissue paper. At first, the screen seems clear, but it gets stained on the screen.

# cannot be cleaned with a brush.

When cleaning the # screen, the device must be switched off.

# Screen should be wiped off with a cloth immediately after breathing on the screen without rubbing too hard.

Touch Screen-4

# Screen is not easy to read seratches, if the screen is too dirty, you can clean the screen with a small amount of nail remover on the cloth instead of putting liquid directly on the screen.

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